
Client Case Studies

Our client was a national automotive repair center with 980 stores throughout the United States. This client requested that we assess both the quality and accuracy of sales and service in their repair centers. After reviewing policies and procedures and incentive plans, we discretely visited many of their retail locations. Our efforts disclosed systemic abuses that resulted in a corporate restructuring.

Our client, a global pharmaceutical firm, was concerned about their business controls and practices in North America and Europe. We conducted a complete analysis of the client’s practices and procedures, including product production, warehouse and distribution integrity, and market research buying practices. As a result, the company reallocated its resources, discontinued wholesale and retail partnerships, and redefined its policies and procedures as it related to their supply chain.

A client noticed that one of their wholesalers was reporting high sales volumes of products that fell within a buy-back program that our client was conducting. During the course of our investigation, it was determined that the wholesale company was in collusion with a large gray market fraud organization. We discovered that the fraud had been going on for several years. We developed sources internally and externally within the industry that had knowledge of this scheme. Our investigation revealed that a high-level corporate officer of the wholesale firm was actively involved in the fraud scheme. We were able to develop information and evidence that was used in federal prosecution against the wholesale company. During the course of our investigation, we gathered, recorded, and maintained evidence from multiple geographical jurisdictions. Our investigation resulted in the corporation receiving repayment of a portion of their losses and the wholesale company receiving a large fine.

We conducted an inquiry which disclosed that significant intelligence related to our client’s trading strategies had leaked to several competitors. This triggered a massive evaluation and analysis of the firm’s business and intellectual property controls environment. Our work uncovered clear evidence of organizational weaknesses and organized competitor intelligence gathering efforts aimed specifically at our client. We developed strategies and tools designed to deter and detect intelligence gathering efforts. This, coupled with an ongoing competitor intelligence monitoring program, has enabled our client to effectively respond to these types of threats.

We conduct market research buying services; conduct discreet and undercover shopping services; and conduct and document numerous surveillances to observe traffic patterns, pick-ups and deliveries, and product transportation patterns in support of clients.

We are often called upon by our corporate clients to provide a broad range of recruitment and due diligence services for executive and managerial positions.

We provide physical security assessments and risk and vulnerability analyses for clients worldwide, as well as providing personal security for their key employees.

We provide counter and anti terrorism training abroad on behalf of the United States government. We have also provided this training domestically to U.S. law enforcement.