
Due Diligence

Due diligence is a must in today’s business world if a company is to avoid financial loss, liabilities, and possible ruin. Glover Group can help our clients safely enter into acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, and other financial transactions by providing their organization with the information it needs to make critical business decisions.

The risks involved in today’s business world are substantial, and companies negotiating financial transactions stand to suffer millions of dollars in losses. The problems created with the choice of an unsuitable business partner can be immeasurable and devastating. In the current market place, profiling potential business partners through a due diligence investigation has become an essential element of good business practice.

Access to detailed, confidential material can prove invaluable to a company that is considering a new acquisition. Glover Group’s skilled, experienced investigators can provide our clients with the facts and figures necessary for them to make the informed choices that will ensure a sound, profitable purchase.

Glover Group will assess the integrity of a prospective company for its clients by:

Glover Group will also research a company’s litigation history, tax audits, insurance disputes, or any pending court actions that might ultimately prove damaging to the company’s financial standing or reputation.

Due diligence searches will often include a myriad of investigative techniques, including:

Glover Group’s experienced, forensic accountants will conduct a financial analysis of the company, examine their books for any evidence of fraudulent accounting activities, and analyze electronic financial data to ascertain that is has not been contrived or falsified.

Some types of due diligence:

Glover Group will protect our clients from any appearance of negligence or culpability that might come from an unfortunate business acquisition, and we will ensure that the financial status and reputation of the client’s company is not compromised.